Rent payment

Total cost (VAT included)

(Charged now in order to confirm your booking)

3 801,27 €

Show details

Agency fee including VAT

300,00 €

Agency fee excluding VAT
250,00 €
VAT (20%)
50,00 €

Total rent

2 000,00 €

Security deposit

Refundable at the end of the stay

1 000,00 €

Upfront utilities payment

For your first month

120,00 €

Occupancy tax - Paris

325,09 €

Processing fees

1,5% of total amount

56,18 €

Payment information:

Your rent
File number : 2784100

Apartment Reference #10323

80 rue de l Universite

75007 Paris - FRANCE


Erisilda BRATI

Your Paris Attitude advisor


+33 (0)1 72 38 92 05